Pivoting from B2C to B2B (part 3)

The story about the good agency that built a jaw-dropping sales funnel
Elephant Cruiser
Sales / CRM / Online Marketing
Live Project
Elephant Cruiser is (was!) a small start up, a bit overwhelmed (what start up is not?) with production processes, sales processes, customer support processes, etc. We did a thorough consultation service diving deep inside of all of those processes and determined there was (clearly) a better way to do things. Made a brand new architecture that would be future-proof... and ta-daa. We did again.
The flow should be: from META lead campaigns or web leads to Mailchimp... here we wanted to pay attention to our customers but in an automatic way. Now, the leads landing on Mailchimp were sent to Zoho CRM where the team could call them, email them, save all sort of variables to have a clear vision of the sales process. On top of this we added ZOHO Books to allow the company produce quotes, invoices and so much more from one place. Aren't we incredible? Yes we are.
Here comes the magic we know how to do (and other lousy agencies can't) we constructed the whole Mailchimp environment including a 2-branched, 5-step automatic marketing journey that took care of entertaining the potential customers while Elephant's sales team called them one by one. We created a connection between META and Mailchimp using ZAPIER, then we created from scratch the ZOHO CRM & Books environment, including a bunch of custom functions, full configuration of all the systems the company will use as they grow and BANG! A happy customer (ours) and a bunch of well-attended business customers. If this is not awesome, what is.
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